
Isoq is a minimalistic library for isomorphic rendering.

In the dynamic realm of web development, the evolution of rendering techniques has paved the way for innovative solutions. This article delves into the concept of isomorphic rendering, exploring its application in a single-page web shop for customizable shirts. Let's uncover the intricacies of this approach and its potential impact on modern web development.

Single Page Applications

Traditional web pages involve a cycle where the browser requests HTML from a server, resulting in a full-page reload upon user interactions. However, the emergence of single-page applications (SPAs) challenges this norm. SPAs load a single HTML page initially and subsequently update content dynamically without necessitating additional server requests. This mechanism significantly enhances user interactivity by eliminating the need for continuous round trips.

Challenges Posed by SPAs

While SPAs excel in providing a seamless user experience, they present challenges for search engine optimization (SEO). The absence of initial HTML content makes it challenging for search engines to index pages effectively. Furthermore, the reliance on client-side rendering can lead to longer initial load times, impacting overall performance.

Isomorphic Rendering as a Solution

Isomorphic rendering emerges as a solution to address the SEO challenges and performance issues associated with SPAs. This approach combines server-side rendering for efficient indexing by search engines with client-side rendering for enhanced user interactivity.

To experiment with isomorphic rendering, a minimalist library named ISO has been developed. This library introduces isomorphic versions of familiar React hooks, such as ISO ref and ISO memo. The goal is to showcase how isomorphic rendering can be achieved without the need for extensive frameworks like Next.js.

A Familiar Interface

useIsoRef, an isomorphic alternative to React's useRef, facilitates data storage accessible and modifiable on both the server and the client. By demonstrating the setting of ISO ref on the server and subsequent client-side access, the article illustrates the versatility of isomorphic rendering.

useIsoMemo, akin to React's useMemo, brings memoization into an isomorphic context. This hook memorizes values between renders, allowing functions to run initially on the server and subsequently on the client if the data undergoes changes.

A Minimalist Approach to Isomorphic Rendering

Unlike larger frameworks, ISO emphasizes a minimalist approach to isomorphic rendering. By providing fundamental primitives, ISO grants developers the flexibility to experiment with and implement isomorphic rendering in their projects, without imposing rigid structures.


Isomorphic rendering represents a paradigm shift in web development, offering a harmonious blend of server-side and client-side rendering. This article explored the ISO library's experiment, showcasing that achieving isomorphic rendering doesn't require a complex framework. Developers can leverage this minimalist approach to unlock the potential of isomorphic rendering and enhance the functionality of their web applications. The ISO library, available on GitHub, serves as a valuable resource for those keen on integrating this innovative rendering technique into their projects.