

use-feather is a library for simple spring based animations in react.

Basic Usage

In order to create an animation, you simply call useFeather with a callback function. The callback function will be called every animation frame with the current value. It is up to the callback function to update the actual element to be animated. This makes it very flexible, and you can easily animate position, color or rotation, it is up to you.

In order to understand useFeather you can think of it as being similar to useState. In the case of useState there is a function to set the value of the state. In the case of useFeather there is instead a function to set the target for the value. The actual value will then move closer to the target every animation frame.

Here is a simple example:

function ComponentWithAnimation() {
    let ref=useRef();
    let feather=useFeather(v=>`translateX(${v}px)`);

    return (<>
        <button onclick={()=>feather.setTarget(0)}>left</button>
        <button onclick={()=>feather.setTarget(500)}>right</button>
        <div ref={ref} style="width: 100px">
            I can move

As seen in the example, the useFeather is initialized with a callback. The callback updates the transform of a referenced element. There are also two buttons. When the buttons are clicked, the feather object (i.e. the object returned by useFeather) has its target value modified.



useFeather(function, [options])

Returns an object of type Feather as described below. The instance of this object will be the same for the lifetime of the component. The function argument is the function to be called on each animation frame. The options argument is an object with the following fields. Note that the options passed will be used to initialy instantiate a class. If you want to modify the vlues later, use methods on the object.

  • value - Initial value.
  • threshold - A threshold value that can be used to check progress of the animation. Intended to be used together with the isAboveThreshold function on the returned feather object. When the status of this function changes, i.e. when the animated value changes from being below the threshold to above, a re-render of the component will be triggered so that the value returned by isAboveThreshold will always be up to date.
  • algo - Algorithm to use. Accepted values are decay and spring. Default value is spring.
  • stiffness - Spring stiffness when the spring algorithm is used. Default is 170.
  • damping - Spring damping when the spring algorithm is used. Default is 26.
  • decay - Decay factor when the decay algorithm is used. Default is 1.


The object returned by useFeather is an instance of this class. The class has the following methods:

  • setAlgo(algo) - Set algorithm.
  • setThreshold(value) - Set threshold.
  • getValue() - Get the current anmated value.
  • setValue(value) - Hard set the current value, as well as the target. This will cause the value to be immediately set, i.e. it will not be animated.
  • setTarget(value) - Set target value.
  • setTargetDelayed(value,delay) - Schedule the target to be set to value after delay milliseconds.
  • getTarget() - Get the current target.
  • isAtRest() - Return true or false depending on weather the animation has reached its target. If the status changes, the component will be re-rendered.
  • isAboveThreshold() - Return true or false depending on if the animated value is above or below the threshold. If the status changes, the component will be re-rendered.