

Welcome to the Katnip documentation!

What is Katnip

You can think of Katnip as a command-line JavaScript plugin runner. It doesn't do much by itself. Its main function is to establish a protocol for loading plugins and to have them communicate with each other.

So what are plugins?

A plugin is an NPM package that exports functions to respond to various hooks..

Zero configuration

Katnip takes a zero-configuration approach, which means that it is possible to get plugins to run and perform their tasks without any need for application-specific code or configuration.

Katnip global install

To install globally run

npm install -g katnip

A Katnip project

A Katnip project is just a collection of JS plugins talking to each other. With that, Katnip comes with a pre-defined set of plugins wrapped up in a template. A template is a meta NPM package – 'meta' because all it contains is a package.json with a list of plugins as dependencies. The pre-defined default template is katnip-twentytwentyfour.

Create a Katnip project with default template

Use the following command to create a Katnip project with the katnip-twentytwentyfour template:

$ katnip create my-project
$ cd my-project

Plugins included in the default template

katnip-twentytwentyfour comes with the following plugins:

  • katnip: Katnip serves both as a CLI tool and a library, which is why it's included here.
  • katnip-cloudflare: Used for deploying the project as a Cloudflare Worker.
  • katnip-isoq: Utilizes Isoq to build isomorphic Preact apps.
  • katnip-quickmin: Leverages Quickmin to provide database-related functionality, such as schema migration and a database administration UI. Bonus point, it also allows data sync between local and remote instances.
  • katnip-rpc: Provides an easy way for client code to call server code using JSON-RPC.
  • katnip-static: Serves static files.
  • katnip-tailwind: Compiles and initializes Tailwind.
  • katnip-watch: Hooks into the development server, watches for changed files, and restarts the server if they change.

Running a Katnip project with the default template

Just use npm start to run the project

npm start

Go to http://localhost:3000 to access the project Got to localhost:3000/admin to access the Database admin interface

The Katnip CLI

To see the options provided by the Katnip CLI use the command katnip without CLI args


The output depends on where you run the command. If you are inside a Katnip project the output will look like this

  katnip <command> [options]

  katnip dev        Start development server.
  katnip init       Initialize plugins.
  katnip create     Create a new project.
  katnip cfdev      Start wrangler development server.
  katnip cfdeploy   Deploy to Cloudflare Workers.

Global Options:
  --help            Get help for specified command.
  --version         Print version.
  --publicDir=...   Directory to serve as plain static assets. Default: public

If you are outside a Katnip project there the commands are fewer.

Katnip CLI commands under the hood When you run any of the CLI commands, let's take katnip dev as an example, a dev hook/event is triggered. The katnip create command triggers the init hook.


A plugin is simply an NPM package that exports functions to respond to various hooks/events.

Hooks/events run in different phases, each corresponding to different exports from the plugins. By default, there are three phases:

CLI phase: When we run the katnip command from the command line, we are in the CLI phase. Plugins loaded in this phase will always run in a Node.js environment. Typical hooks/events here include dev for starting a development server, build for building the project, and deploy for deploying it.

Serve phase: The serve phase occurs when we start a development or production server. A typical hook here is fetch, which turns a Request into a Response. Plugins operating in this phase are similar to middlewares in frameworks like Express or Hono. The difference is that when using a framework like Express, the programmer is responsible for writing the initialization code that creates an Express app and adds middlewares to it. In Katnip, it is the plugins that are responsible for "hooking into" the framework, enabling a zero-configuration workflow.

Browser phase: The browser phase is what happens on the client after a user has loaded a page. To gain a better understanding, let's examine the actions of some plugins and the phases in which they operate:

katnip-tailwind: Hooks into the cli phase to listen for the build hook, creating a CSS file. It also hooks into the browser phase to load the generated CSS file.

katnip-quickmin: As a database admin tool, it hooks into the cli phase to listen for the dev or deploy hooks, facilitating the migration of the database schema. Additionally, it hooks into the server phase to serve the admin interface on the fetch hook.

katnip-cloudflare: Hooks into the cli phase to provide the cfdeploy command, enabling the building of the project and its deployment to Cloudflare.