

Isomorphic javascript middleware generator.

Isoq is a tiny framework for isomorphic javascript apps using preact. It tries to do one thing and one thing only and be agnostic about other things. The basic way it works is by generating a middleware to be included in your app.

The basic premise is to have one single application entry point that is run both on the server and the client. There exists a set of primitives as hooks so that data can flow seamlessly between the server and client.

Isoq is a build tool, and the artifact that gets created comes in the form of a middleware to be loaded into a server framework. Currently, the Hono framework is best supported, which makes it easy to deploy your app in an edge environment, such as Cloudflare Workers.

Getting started

To get started, run npx create-isoq <project name> or yarn create isoq <project name> to create a starter-project.

Also, see the examples. The examples are individual packages, so in order to run them, clone this repository, cd into an example dir, and run:

    yarn install
    yarn start



import {useIsoMemo} from "isoq";
let value=useIsoMemo(async()=>{/*...*/},deps);

Similar to the react function useMemo in the sense that it uses a function to compute a value. For components that are part of the initial server side rendering, the function will be run on the server. If any of the dependencies change, the function will be re-run on the client.


import {useIsoRef} from "isoq";
let ref=useIsoRef();

Conceptually similar to the useRef hook in react. However, the ref.current value can be set on the server during server side rendering, and the data placed there will be made available on the client side.


import {useIsoBarrier} from "isoq";
let resolver=useIsoBarrier();

Creates a barrier during server side rendering. The delivery of the page to the client will be blocked until the resolver function is called. This is useful if you want to do some asyncronous work on the server. The resolver function has no effect on the client.


import {useIsoContext} from "isoq";
let iso=useIsoContext();

Get a context with information related to the current rendering process. The returned object contains the following methods:

  • iso.isSsr() - Returns true or false depending on if the current render is happening on the server or the client.
  • iso.getUrl() - Get the current url being rendered.



Can be used anywhere in the flow of the page, and will cause the children of the Head component to be rendered in the <head> element of the page.


<Route path="/some/path/*" loader={/*...*/}>

The child content will be conditionally rendered if the current path matches the specified path. The loader property is a function that should return a promise containing data for the page. This data will be made available to the page via the useLoaderData hook.


<Link href="/some/path">my link</Link>

Similar to the html a tag, but will not cause the page to reload. Instead the browser url will change, and the route will be re-matched.


Similar to iso.getUrl() but will also cause a re-render of the component where it is used if the current url changes.


Get the current data that has been made available to the current route via its loader function.


Returns true if data is currently being loaded for a route, false otherwise.